How was your weekend ? Were you indoors or out there in the shopping malls buying and wrapping Christmas gifts for you loved ones ? I hope what ever you doing is bringing you a lot of joy ..... that is what matters at the end of the day.
I was mostly snuggled up in my blanket .... staring at the flurries landing softly on the ground. The snow cover looked like a fleece blanket on mother nature. And all I did was eat, sleep and listen to christmas songs.
And monday is not the best day for anybody ...... so I am going to keep this short and sweet. Suja and Malar have shared this Sunshine award with me. Thank you girls, this sure makes my Monday special and brings a lot of Sunshine on this snowy day. Don't forget to sneak into their kitchens for some lovely recipes.
And since this season is all about spreading joy and good cheer I am sharing it with some of my blogger friends. I wish I could give it to everyone but the rule says to pick only 8. But you sure can keep the ball rolling by sharing it among eight of your friends.
There was a questionnaire that I had to answer as a part of receiving this award.
I would like to share this with
Gurls here comes eight questions for you :-)
1 Which is the signature recipe that you inherited from your mother ?
2 Do you read the calorie values when you shop for food ?
3 What is your say on "A way to a man's heart is through his stomach"
4 Do you use measuring cups/ spoons etc when you cook or do you eye ball the ingredients ?
5 Tell me about a recipe disaster
6 What is your take on staging of food ? Do you agree that we first eat with our eyes ?
7 What was the first thing you cooked at your in law's place after your wedding ?
8 Does cooking stress you out after a tiring day or does it act as a stress buster ?
Don't forget to get eight secrets out of your friends with whom you share the Award.
And here are my answers to Malar's questions
Do you think 'Feminism' has robbed authentic home cooking at many houses?
I believe the word 'Feminism' is often wrongly used. Feminism refers to movements aimed at establishing and defending equal rights to women, which I feel is good. And tell me one woman would not like to be treated equal and enjoy her Freedom.
In my opinion cooking has nothing to do with 'Feminism'.
Does enjoying a rich dessert' interfere with your happiness...thinking about the calories, diabetes...cholesterol etc?
I don't let anything come between me and my dessert. I only worry about that 'muffin top' when I no more fit into my old dresses :-) But that too is short term memory.
How many stores do you visit to fill up your pantry and how often do you shop? (Groceries, Fresh produce, Kitchen utensils...everything counts)
I love shopping for food .... my personal favorites being the farmers markets. I miss them during winter. I go shopping once in ten days ..... well sometimes in between too. The search for fresh produce n kitchen stuff can take me anywhere.
When the entire world switches to ready made food or energy pills...will you still like to cook?
Cooking is so therapeutic. Per me it is a gr8 stress buster. No matter what the world switches too I will be still chopping, cooking , baking and grilling :)
When your partner or significant others' hate your particular recipe...will you still continue to make them in a same fashion or tweak them to suit their needs?
I guess we all cook for our loved ones .... so needless to say if the recipe needs to be tweaked to suit them I will do it. And there is no thumb rule in cooking .... that's the beauty of it.
Do you think 'cooking is in your gene' or 'you mastered it' out of hard work(I mean, experience)?
My answer would be 'All of the above'. It was in my gene and I mastered it with hard work :)
Do you think some of the Indian food' would be globalized in near future? (Like French Fries, Pizza, Burger, Popcorn, chocolate, coffee etc
Indian food is already globalized. The Chicken Tikka Masala was voted as the most popular food in one of the local newspaper of London in 2007. I hardly can think of anyone who can say no to Indian Kebabs and Tandoori dishes.