You may think I am a total freak ..... well actually you are right to some extent. If freaking out makes me feel better then I think I am happy that way ...... So here is what happened one fateful night, rather mid night. I was almost ready to go to bed ..... had changed into my night dress, combed my hair and brushed my teeth. And out of the blue I had the strong urge to eat something sweet .... precisely that something was 'gulab jamun'. But where on earth would I get gulab jamuns in the middle of the night ...... that too in this small town of Naugatuck, which is hardly visible on the world Atlas.
When I told J about my desire ..... he knew it was my usual syndrome of going crazy at some wee hour. It was almost 12.30 am and I was in my kitchen reading the instructions on MTR Gulab jamun mix. It would take at least an hour to prepare gulab jamuns ... and then they had to get soaked in the sugar syrup. Frustrated I dumped the packet back into the pantry.
Instead I thought of pacifying my desire eating chocolates ......... When it comes to eating my favorite things I don't count calories. I jolly well wallow in the moment ! I opened the chocolate jar and to add to my frustration it was empty ..... there were few wrappers lying in it. How can everything go wrong at the same time !!
So I gave up my 'sweet desire' and crawled into the cold bed. J was seeing the entire drama all this time without uttering a word. May be he thought that was the best thing to do. He pulled me closer and whispered into my ears ''How about driving to McDonalds and getting your favorite Caramel Frappe". I looked into his eye and the smile on his face was priceless.

We drove down to the McDonalds on Interstate 84 .... that's the one open 24 hours. I happily sipped and licked my caramel frappe before slipping into the bed which felt much warmer this time.
The next day morning, I grabbed the MTR mix and made gulab jamuns ..... that was a sweet surprise for J when he was back from work ...... I saved some for my late night cravings !
that write up is uber cool
Wow perfect they look...craving for some now..:)
Very cute write-up.Those gulab jamuns look perfect..I've a similar craving almost every night for something sweet :)
Best Regards
Lol, good one!
Really i enjoy to read yr blogs bt this is awesome !!!
Spongy and droolworthy jamus..craving for something sweet also..
I felt this way when I was pregnant with my son. after 2/3 such nights when Hubby had to drive me in search of sweet shop at the wee hours, he simply stocked on canned gulab jamuns and rasgullas. cute nostalgia and you are lucky to have a hubby like that dear.
I can understand about cravings. When I am pregnant with my son, who BTW is 3 and counting, I craved for Strawberries everyday of my pregnancy. I ate half a box per day..even during off-season my hubby used to hunt for it and pay a high price to satisfy my cravings. People at work used to call my baby "strawberry eater", cause it was him wanting it that made me want it all the more.
Did you know that I live roughly 40 minutes from where you live?? We should meet in person sometime. Only if you wish it.
ha hah lol..Cannot stop laughing girll..
Jamuns looks so professional...
Oh man that's so cute..
Jamuns look so good..craving for some now:)
Thats really sweet of your hubby and your so lucky...
drink looks really good
That's so sweet. Lovely write up !!
These are my hubby's fav..they have come out so perfect..your write up reminds of the days when I was pregnant with my daughter...I used to crave for kaju pista icecream all the time which we only used to get in our local Indian store which was a 20 miles drive..hubby use to drive me even at odd hours :)
:):) that is so sweet both the hub and the gulab jamuns
So nice! The gulab jamuns look very good. I had the urge to eat some today too. Is the MTR mix good? I have never made Gulab Jamuns ever. Tips from you will help.
:) :) good one.. Jamuns look great.
Very nice blog... LOL!! I too sometimes have this wired mac -chicken cravings....from mac donalds..
i wish i had tht gulab jamun now...warm....
I can feel this craving..I most of the time have wierd kind of cravings in some abnormal times....Love to read the post the way you presented....
lucky gal ...very J is very sweet ..very nice n interesting write up ..i too feel same some time n eat my hubby's brain as i don't want to enter to kitchen he he he
btw gulab jamuns looks very tempting ..
I know sometimes whether you are pregnant or not you get these cravings! You've made me crave for these darn frappes!Trying to stay away from them! Yes I can... yes I can... let me see if this chanting helps!
Great post! n BTW can you share the recipe for that gulab jamun because now I can't breathe without making one. So decadent!
Yummy gulab jamuns..Enjoyed your writeup :)
Thanks everyone for dropping by n enjoying the writeup.
Prerna - I just followed the recipe on the Gulab jamun mix. There is one trick that works for me. I dip the jamuns into hot sugar syrup and they come out extremely soft. Just melt in ur mouth :)
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